Resourceful Marketing Blog

5 Reasons you shouldn't delay your website redesign

Written by Jessica Jeffries | 01-Feb-2017 15:49:45

There is always a reason to hold off from redesigning your company website; either it's too expensive, too complicated, or you just don't have the time! These excuses can seriously damage your company's ability grow and get leads. It is simple, if you want to obtain your business goals, you need to be able to sell your product or business, and to do that you need to attract quality leads. Holding off will only prevent those excellent leads, consumer attention and vital traffic that can easily be yours. All you need is a goal-orientated, up to date and relevant website - so what are you waiting for?

Here are 5 reasons why it's fundamental to have your new and improved website up right away! 


1. Search Engines Can't Find You

Depending on how old your website is, you may face a few different issues. If your website was build in Flash, Google and other search engines will be unable to crawl it. This would significantly hinder your SEO and MoZ rankings. Similarly, search engines are constantly updating their rules and criteria for websites to reach the top of search result rankings. It is essential to keep your website current and viable, particularly if your business relies on organic search traffic to generate revenue. If one search engine changes their algorithms, your website traffic can significantly drop.


2. Prospective clients can't see you - on any device.

Along the same trend, if your website was built over five years ago, it is possible that text and images no longer properly display for some visitors. This can make your website look dated and difficult to navigate. Similarly, browsers on mobiles or tablets are designed to a modern standard. If your website isn't even displaying on desktops properly, mobile screens have no hope! A website redesign gives your company the opportunity to clean out old material, broken links and incorrect references. This also allows you to tailor your website copy in a way to ensure you are reaching prospects at all stages of the buyers journey


3. Fresh and Modern Face

A website redesign can inspire a fresher company image, brand development and updated information. Older websites can often look 'sketchy' if they are poorly made or hold outdated contact information. Repackaging your company can mean the implementations of modern multi-media tools and new technologies. This creates a higher level of consumer interaction through updated social media and regular content production such as blog posting. Tying in new and evolving platforms builds traffic avenues coming into a company's website.


4. Competitive Company Comparison

Delaying your website will only keep you at the back of the pack. Without an up to date, multi-media website, you will be handing your competitors an online advantage. Getting your new website up before your rivals will put you in the lead, placing them as followers when they launch a few months later. Additionally, only real data can prove that your strategic decisions are a step above the rest. The launch allows for new traffic to give you the information needed, both from and about your prospects, to learn and develop. 

A new website redesign can also indirectly attract new talent to your business. Particularly with younger generations, who like to start with a company that is current in their industry. Drawing in key recruits is critical for company growth and a goal orientated website can help you do that.


5. Beating the Budget

A reshuffle of the company's website may just highlight new ways of doing business and generating important revenue. For example, a few pages could be missing calls to action, an opportunity that could direct your prospects to new products or offers available that may not have been available before. 

You may also be paying additional fees because your website isn't streamlined enough to work efficiently. And even then, the longer it takes to get a new website up and running, the more time available for extra costs to creep in - Let's say browser specs change or you introduce a new team member with additional ideas. A lot of new planning and technology debt can blow your budget forecasts out of the water. The quicker your new efficient website is up and running, the quicker you can start gaining back revenue and reap the rewards of a newer, sales-ready site!


So, No More Procrastination!

Have a critical look at your website's design every few months. Is it streamlined, shows off your brand and provides sufficient ROI? Always compare to competitors for readability, ease of navigation and inbound content. If it doesn't compete with your rivals, you can't expect traffic to magically appear.

Take initiative and regularly consult with a marketing specialist to make sure your site is a leader in your industry, not a follower. We offer a free consultation to explore your current inbound capabilities and where you can improve. A goal-orientated, up to date and relevant website can easily be in your grasp, so what are you waiting for?