Resourceful Marketing Blog

HubSpot Sales Enablement Success Story: RealEyes Increase MQLs by 356% in 4 Months

Written by Greg Henley | 27-Jun-2018 11:03:30

Update: this case study won a HubSpot Impact Award for Sales Enablement in August 2018. Read on to learn how we helped Realeyes increase leads by 356% in four months.

Realeyes is a tech company that uses emotional AI software to help advertisers such as Coca-Cola and Mars maximise the impact of their video marketing.

Using webcams and the latest in emotion artificial intelligence, Realeyes measures how people feel as they watch video content online, enabling brands, agencies and media companies to optimise their content and help target their videos at the right audiences.

Read more about them here.



The Challenge

When Realeyes first came to us, they were using the HubSpot Marketing software to support their social and email marketing activities. They were using another brand’s software for CRM, which made it difficult to measure the performance between marketing campaigns and sales activity effectively. The ROI was unclear.

The separated technologies meant that it was difficult to gauge how far along their leads were in the buyer’s journey, who was ready to buy, and who needed to be passed back to the marketing team for nurturing. There was no clear picture of how comfortable prospects were with making a purchase.

With Realeyes’ emotion AI technology being a new technology to market, audiences required educating and marketing to qualify leads to the sales team. Without any indication of where customers were in the decision-making process, there was an extra burden on the sales team to ensure that they were communicating to leads effectively.



After being introduced to Realeyes by Trinamo, our business growth partners, we  brought in the HubSpot Sales software to replace the software they were using. As they already had HubSpot Marketing, we were able to link all of the data they had here to their sales interface. They could flick between marketing and sales platforms instantly, seeing how efforts from both of these areas were linking up. This included what blogs, emails and other content were receiving the most interest, how closed deals compared with their initial forecasts, and how far along leads were in workflows.

We drew a significant amount of Realeyes’ attention to HubSpot’s reporting module, showing them how they could see and share powerful and relevant results in just a few clicks. Key metrics appeared in pre-formatted graphs and charts, and could be copied and pasted exactly as they appeared in HubSpot. Sales people didn’t have to spend any time organising this data in the right format; they could get on with selling. And because these results were connected to marketing, they could tell which efforts were the most useful and have better conversations with the marketing team.

To emphasise how valuable the reporting module would be, we ran a series of training sessions for the sales team on how to use this. We had members from Realeyes’ UK and US teams taking part in the sessions, and the feedback we received was fiercely positive. Participants told us they immediately saw how easy it was to customise reports, so they could highlight the data that was the most important to them. They could block out any information they didn’t need, share any data they felt would be useful with their colleagues and restrict any sensitive metrics from being visible.



Before HubSpot, Realeyes had an element of guesswork with marketing to prospects. This has changed. With all the prospect data to hand, they’re able to produce content that’s less generic and more personal to each lead. Because the CRM displays which web pages, blog posts and emails are being viewed and at what time, Salespeople can use this to share useful information at the right moments.

Their old CRM gave them limited details about what there prospects were up to. This was never enough to make judgements about what future marketing campaigns should be. HubSpot’s reporting capabilities have presented Realeyes with much more granular data. They can use this to inform future campaigns, and assign salespeople with prospects based on the former’s speciality and the latter’s interests.

Increased insight into lead activity has led to more personalised content. This, in turn, has resulted in a boost in demand. To capitalise on this, Realeyes has hired a new Chief Revenue Officer responsible for managing Customer Success, and ensuring parity between Marketing and Sales activity. They’ve added a Vice President of Sales to their US team and have hired two Sales Development Representatives (SDRs) to support the rise in operations. With a 932% increase in growth, they made it on to the Deloitte Technology Fast 50 list of companies. Additionally, this proves they’ve capitalised on opportunities for for tech-enabled growth.



People appreciated that marketing was an essential part of the company’s structure, but they couldn’t always quantify their effectiveness. This has changed.

From the sales office to the board room, marketing activity and its performance on sales has complete visibility. At Realeyes’ HQ, monitors are streaming HubSpot dashboard reports in real-time for everyone to see. The dashboard acts as a temperature gauge on marketing and sales performances.

With more access to marketing metrics and prospect activity, the sales team felt there was so much more they could do. They knew exactly where prospects were in the buyer’s journey, and were more comfortable approaching leads with content appropriate for their stage. Realeyes are now in a position to scale their marketing methodologies and invest in account-based marketing, calculating what ideas will work based on tangible results and what will be valuable for each individual prospect.

“The detail of reporting that Resourceful Marketing has set-up is exceptional. Not all companies may go to this level of effort in setting up what has become a major part of our marketing infrastructure. The reporting wasn’t just an add-on; action driven by data is at the core of our business.”

Colin Pye, Creative Director - Realeyes


What next?

In the next few months, we will be assisting Realeyes with a campaign on the effectiveness of 6-second ads. This will centre around a live webinar. Additionally, we will write and send emails promoting this topic. There will be two capacities to this: to drive downloads of a 6-second ads eBook, and to draw attention to events where Realeyes will be presenting about this content.


Want to know more about our sales enablement services? Click here!