
We help b2b companies generate leads, grow revenue and understand the new way customers buy

Greg Henley

Recent Posts

An Easy Way to Understand SEO

27-Jun-2019 15:36:56 / by Greg Henley posted in Lead generation, websites, SEO, Blogging, Content Marketing, Copywriting


Search engine optimisation, or SEO for short, can seem complicated if you’re a complete beginner. And you have a good reason to feel that way. There are a lot of technicalities to it, and these can change. A lot.

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We’ve Got a New Office in Winchester

21-Jan-2019 12:05:14 / by Greg Henley posted in HubSpot Certified Partner, Marketing, Sales


We’re pleased to share the news that we have moved into a new, bigger office in the centre of Winchester. From now on, we can be found at 85 High Street. This is a sign of our aspiration to help more local companies improve the effectiveness of their marketing spend.

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Three Ways HubSpot Can Increase Traffic to Your Blog

13-Nov-2018 10:07:00 / by Greg Henley posted in Inbound Marketing, SEO, Blogging, Content Marketing, Copywriting


Your blog posts show prospects why they should choose you over your competitors. They appeal to your readers’ emotions too. This is good, as people make decisions based on emotion. But you’ve got a problem if your posts aren’t appearing in search engine results pages (SERPs).

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We’ve Won a HubSpot Impact Award for Sales Enablement

09-Aug-2018 16:33:24 / by Greg Henley posted in Resourceful Marketing News, Case Study, inbound Sales


We’re delighted to share the news we’ve earned a Hubspot Impact Award for Sales Enablement, for our case study on our work for the emotional intelligence company Realeyes. These are rewarded to HubSpot partners on quarterly basis, with one partner from each of the global regions being chosen. We were the winner for the EMEA region.

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4 Ways to Align Your Inbound Marketing and Sales Teams

23-Jul-2018 11:02:39 / by Greg Henley posted in Lead generation, Inbound Marketing, inbound Sales


In your dreams, your marketing and sales teams are best friends. They often talk to each other about how their joint efforts are bringing your business lots of revenue. But those are your dreams. Reality is a bit different.

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HubSpot Sales Enablement Success Story: RealEyes Increase MQLs by 356% in 4 Months

27-Jun-2018 12:03:30 / by Greg Henley posted in Case Study



Update: this case study won a HubSpot Impact Award for Sales Enablement in August 2018. Read on to learn how we helped Realeyes increase leads by 356% in four months.

Realeyes is a tech company that uses emotional AI software to help advertisers such as Coca-Cola and Mars maximise the impact of their video marketing.

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We're Now HubSpot Gold Partners

11-Apr-2018 13:25:47 / by Greg Henley posted in Inbound Marketing, HubSpot Certified Partner


We're delighted to share the news that we are now HubSpot Gold Partners. In fact, we're the first HubSpot Gold Partners in Winchester and one of a handful in Hampshire.

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How to Tell If You Need to Clean Your Contact Data

15-Feb-2018 16:02:52 / by Greg Henley posted in Inbound Marketing


A healthy business contact database, with information segmented by your prospects' goals, challenges and buyer journeys, is essential for effectively targeting your marketing messages.

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Increase Your Lead Generation and ROI at Our Inbound Marketing Seminar

26-Jan-2018 10:01:39 / by Greg Henley


We're running a presentation and Q&A session on how to increase your lead generation and ROI with inbound marketing and inbound sales processes. This takes place on Wednesday 21st February, from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. at the Winchester Business Centre.

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5 Reasons Why Your B2B Tech Company Should Embrace Content Marketing

07-Dec-2017 10:53:01 / by Greg Henley posted in websites, Inbound Marketing


More and more people are shutting out traditional marketing, such as advertising and cold calling. These methods are disruptive and aren't tailored to the individual's buyer journey.

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