
We help b2b companies generate leads, grow revenue and understand the new way customers buy

We’ve Won a HubSpot Impact Award for Sales Enablement

09-Aug-2018 16:33:24 / by Greg Henley posted in Resourceful Marketing News, Case Study, inbound Sales


We’re delighted to share the news we’ve earned a Hubspot Impact Award for Sales Enablement, for our case study on our work for the emotional intelligence company Realeyes. These are rewarded to HubSpot partners on quarterly basis, with one partner from each of the global regions being chosen. We were the winner for the EMEA region.

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4 Ways to Align Your Inbound Marketing and Sales Teams

23-Jul-2018 11:02:39 / by Greg Henley posted in Lead generation, Inbound Marketing, inbound Sales


In your dreams, your marketing and sales teams are best friends. They often talk to each other about how their joint efforts are bringing your business lots of revenue. But those are your dreams. Reality is a bit different.

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