
We help b2b companies generate leads, grow revenue and understand the new way customers buy

An Easy Way to Understand SEO

27-Jun-2019 15:36:56 / by Greg Henley posted in Lead generation, websites, SEO, Blogging, Content Marketing, Copywriting


Search engine optimisation, or SEO for short, can seem complicated if you’re a complete beginner. And you have a good reason to feel that way. There are a lot of technicalities to it, and these can change. A lot.

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Three Ways HubSpot Can Increase Traffic to Your Blog

13-Nov-2018 10:07:00 / by Greg Henley posted in Inbound Marketing, SEO, Blogging, Content Marketing, Copywriting


Your blog posts show prospects why they should choose you over your competitors. They appeal to your readers’ emotions too. This is good, as people make decisions based on emotion. But you’ve got a problem if your posts aren’t appearing in search engine results pages (SERPs).

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