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5 Reasons Why Your B2B Tech Company Should Embrace Content Marketing

07-Dec-2017 10:53:01 / by Greg Henley posted in websites, Inbound Marketing

More and more people are shutting out traditional marketing, such as advertising and cold calling. These methods are disruptive and aren't tailored to the individual's buyer journey.

Content marketing, when used as part of an inbound marketing strategy, can be an effective way of getting prospects attracted to your B2B tech brand. If you can show people your product or service addresses their pain points, using the language they relate to, they'll be more likely to put their trust in you.

From creating value for your prospects to getting a clearer understanding of what they really need, here are some reasons to embrace content marketing.

1. Create Value Without Revealing Too Much

Some businesses worry that sharing educational content will prevent prospects from becoming customers. If you're giving away something for free, why should anyone pay for it, right?

But sharing content is an excellent chance for you to show off your expertise and transparency. You can show yourself as being helpful and relevant, which will encourage your prospects to trust you as a reliable source of information.

If you can answer their most burning questions and offer a resolution to their pain points, you'll be giving your prospects great reasons to invest their time and money in you.

2. Help Product and Service Discovery

The B2B tech sector is bubbling with products and services that can solve problems that no one else has solved yet. If you have such a product or service, you can use content marketing to help people find it.

By following the inbound marketing methodology of addressing your buyer persona's pain points and using the keywords they're searching for, you can attract them to your content.

3. HUMANISE Complex Topics

B2B products and services often come with copy that's laced in jargon and technical speak. While people in your company won't have a problem understanding this, it may be hard to get your average Joe or Joanna excited about your brand using corporate language.

But by using plain English, and making the functional and emotional benefits of your product easy to understand, you can give your prospects lots of reasons to get excited and stand out from other B2B tech companies. A blog is great place to demonstrate your desire to help people in their everyday lives. Gated content, like eBooks and white papers, can also do this.

4. Position Yourself as a Thought Leader

The technology sector goes through changes all the time. Using your blog to talk about how current developments will affect your prospects and predict future trends show you're an engaged expert in your field. This kind of content can be used as part of an effective content marketing strategy. 

If you're a B2B start-up, you can give new audiences a reason to follow what you're up to. If your B2B company has been around for a while, this is a chance for you to show people that you're still relevant.

5. Start a Conversation

Sharing your content on social media can help attract your ideal prospects to your brand. They may even comment on and share it in their networks, which can give you even greater insight into what their challenges and goals are. This, in turn, can help you to produce even more relevant and helpful content in the future.

It's worth noting that you don't need to share your content on every social media channel. You only need to share it on the ones where your ideal customers are.

Use Powerful Content to Attract Your Prospects

Content marketing is an integral part of the inbound marketing methodology. Done right, it can attract prospects to your B2B product or service and help them to see your brand as one to trust and invest in.

We're an inbound marketing consultancy with a history working for the B2B tech sector. Our clients include IT support providers, SaaS companies and commercial surveyors. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch.

