
We help b2b companies generate leads, grow revenue and understand the new way customers buy

Benefits of marketing automation for Managed Service Providers (MSP)

17-May-2016 10:29:09 / by Beverley Russell posted in marketing automation, MSP


Over recent years, the Managed Service Provider (MSP) sector has undergone a variety of changes including market maturity, increasing competition and a more digitally savvy IT buyer.  Every player in this market needs to understand, assess and react to this changing landscape in order to survive and grow. This blog looks at how MSPs are responding and how growth–orientated MSPs are looking at marketing automation platform to transform their marketing activities.

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The benefits of marketing automation for SaaS companies

25-Apr-2016 08:50:40 / by Beverley Russell



Today, most large SaaS (software-as-serice) vendors use marketing automation.  If you are a software vendor investigating how to generate leads then you need to seriously consider marketing automation as your solution. In this blog, we’ll explain what marketing automation is, benefits to SaaS companies like yourself and how you can get started.

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Virtual Marketing Team service launched for B2B technology companies

11-Apr-2016 13:22:19 / by Beverley Russell


Resourceful Marketing an inbound marketing agency based in Winchester, Hampshire has launched a new virtual marketing team service exclusively for B2B technology clients throughout the UK.

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14-Mar-2016 10:41:07 / by Beverley Russell



Over the last 5 years, marketing has probably undergone its biggest transformation with the advent of Modern Marketing. Marketing now has become almost a 50%:50% mix of creative and science. As marketers our tool kit has expanded extensively with the:

  • Widespread adoption of content marketing - delivering the right content (blogs, ebooks, social media) at right time to prospective buyers
  • Growing importance of SEO - driving the right visitors to your website
  • Increasing adoption of marketing automation - software like Eloqua or HubSpot nurturing, tracking and converting prospects.

As such, with all these tools, this is the first time that marketers can actually connect their actions with an outcome (rather than historically investing in a campaign and hoping it would work).

If you'd like your organisation to be part of the modern marketing movement and use marketing as a lead generation machine, rather than a passive design service, it's well worth partnering with a virtual marketing team.

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Why inbound marketing is the way forward for the B2B technology sector

10-Mar-2016 13:58:20 / by Beverley Russell



Having worked in client side marketing roles within the tech sector for nearly 2 decades, I believe that inbound marketing is set to transform the way we go to market in the B2B technology sector.  Where we've relied up until now on outbound activities to find new customers like tradeshows, integrated marketing campaigns spearheaded by advertising and lots of emailing. All this is set to be replaced by the more subtle, less invasive, typically less expensive and more scientific form of inbound marketing.

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